Biographical Sketch of Pastor David D. Johnson

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Rejoicing Life Ministries, Inc./New Life Christian Center

Pastor David D. Johnson, PO Box 95, Washington, WV, 26181


Cell (304) 834-0049




David is recognized as an apostle and teacher to the Body of Christ. He is an ordained minister of the gospel based in Belpre, Ohio. He established New Life Christian Center in 1976 and has been operating in the teaching ministry since then. He begin flowing in the apostolic ministry in 1982.

I was born and raised in Parkersburg, WV, where I was converted at the early age of nine. I was raised in the Church of Christ where I was active as a teacher and in 1973 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I have ministered in South Africa and Europe on several occasions. I have written many articles including, The Twelve Gates of the Holy City, The Twelve Foundations of the Wall, God's Two Greatest Mysteries, The Third Dimension, The Origin of Satan, and many others.

Hi and welcome to Our Website. I teach practical spiritual lifestyles. My main thrust in ministry is to reveal the Father heart of God towards humanity. I also have a burning desire to relieve the suffering of condemnation that most of God's people experience. One of the greatest desires of God's heart is to deliver His people from guilt and condemnation. Once you understand the Father's heart you can go to Him and experience His love and forgiveness. Once you get rid of the guilt and condemnation, you can then, regardless of your condition, go to Him every day and learn to contact Him in Spirit, and that daily contact will then change your condition. The Christian life was never intended to be based on man's ability, but on God's ability to fill you with Himself, which then enables you to live the Christian life. Through fellowship with our Father, our character is transformed and we begin to manifest the fruits of the Spirit. My purpose in ministry is to help all of God's people expand their awareness of God's presence within them, and by the grace of God to help all men see the revelation of the mystery of the gospel, which is God manifested in the flesh. That is, that Christ would be magnified in our bodies, that He would grow in us and fill us with His Spirit so that it is "No longer I who live, but Christ who lives within me".